Coxwell Entrance Closure

As of March 21, 2025, MGH’s main entrance on Coxwell Avenue is closed as the next phase of our redevelopment project begins. Patients and visitors can use the new temporary main entrance on Sammon Avenue between Coxwell Avenue and Knight Street. View our campus map.

Photo of a form, a computer, and a pair of glasses

Research Ethics Board (REB) Forms

Mandatory Research training

The Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans (TCPS or the Policy) is a joint policy of Canada’s three federal research agencies – the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC), and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC), or “the Agencies.”
This Policy expresses the Agencies’ continuing commitment to the people of Canada to promote the ethical conduct of research involving humans. It has been informed in part, by leading international ethics norms, all of which may help, in some measure, to guide Canadian researchers, in Canada and abroad in the conduct of research involving humans.
- Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans – TCPS 2 (2018)

It is the responsibility of the primary investigator(s) to ensure that their Research Project Team Members (RPTMs) are certified in the ethical conduct of research and privacy. The TCPS 2 and Privacy Training for Research Personnel Tutorial certificates for each team member (e.g., investigators, research coordinators/assistants, study monitors, volunteers and students) must accompany the submission of a project for REB review.

MGH Researchers and MGH Research Project Team Members (RPTMs) are required to complete additional Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) training within six weeks of REB approval. Please see iCare for more information. Researchers and RPTMs will be enrolled in iLearn by the Department of Research and Innovation at time of REB approval.

TCPS 2 Tutorial 

The TCPS 2: CORE Tutorial consists of nine modules that will take between two to three hours to complete. The tutorial has log-on and log-off capability so that it can be completed over time. A printable certificate will be generated once the tutorial is complete. Please download and submit this certificate with your research application.

Click below to access the current version of the Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans – TCPS 2:

Guidance in Applying TCPS-2 (2018):

Privacy for Researchers Tutorial

The Privacy Training for Research Personnel Tutorial provides education for research team members regarding research specific, privacy and security training to protect study participant’s confidential information. This tutorial will take approximately ten to fifteen minutes to complete. 

Research Privacy Guidance:

Initial Submissions

Access this section for new research submissions, clinical audits, or service evaluations

Application and Guidance Documents

Please review this process map if you would like to better understand the steps involved in the REB review.

This checklist identifies the required items to include with an initial submission to the REB.

This document provides guidelines for completing a TAHSN Research Application and to assist researchers in determining the type of review (i.e., Full Board or Delegated).

Important Update: New REB Application Forms for New Studies

Effective February 25, 2025, the MGH REB has updated the initial application forms for new studies. These updated forms replace the previous TAHSN applications.  

Starting March 10, 2025, all new study applications must be submitted using the updated forms. After this date, the old forms will no longer be accepted. 

Please note that for your project to be considered a “retrospective” review, inclusive dates cannot go beyond the submission date of your application and you must have a specified end date.

All new research submissions to the REB must include a protocol. A Protocol Template is provided; instructions are in each section of this document. If you prefer, please use the Protocol Guidelines to assist you in developing your protocol.

When your research involves enrollment of participants, you must include a consent form. The General Consent Form Template below is a modifiable document for use in your project. When a Consent Form template has already been provided to you, please use the checklist which identifies a list of elements to be included in your Consent Form.

If your research is industry sponsored (e.g., pharmaceutical, biotech) an REB fee will apply.

As of January 1, 2020 TEHN implemented a new policy for the collection of research overhead fees. This policy applies to all funded nonprofit and private sector research. Please complete and submit the Research Overhead Fees Recovery form; the policy is available in PolicyTech. Please submit this form with your completed TAHSN Application.

In an effort to expedite delegated reviews, a streamlined REB review process has been implemented. Minimal risk studies eligible for delegated review are now required to complete a Research Privacy Assessment prior to project submission to the REB. Information about minimal risk studies is available on the Initial Research Submission Checklist and the TAHSN Application Guidelines above.


Please submit all draft contracts and agreements to @email in MS Word format. Please include a copy of the current research protocol. 

Please be advised that review may incur fees and will be discussed with the investigator prior to initiating the review.

Study Cost Estimate Forms (Department Impact)

The MGH Principal Investigator is responsible for ensuring that all MGH departments impacted by the study have been properly informed by submitting a copy of the protocol to the appropriate department Health Service/Service Delivery Unit/Corporate Support Leader. This form must be signed by both parties whether there is a cost involved or not. This ensures that REB is informed that the proposed impacted departments have been notified, have agreed, and have the resources required to carry out the study.

For US Industry Sponsored Studies

The Statement of Investigator, Form FDA 1572 (1572), is an agreement signed by the investigator to provide certain information to the sponsor and assure that they will comply with FDA regulations related to the conduct of a clinical investigation of an investigational drug or biologic.
- Frequently Asked Questions – Statement of Investigator (Form FDA 1572), May 2010

Clinical Audit or Service Evaluation

Clinical Audit or Service Evaluation Form


Ongoing Submissions

Ongoing Submissions

For research projects lasting longer than one year, researchers shall submit, at minimum, an annual report with sufficient details to enable the REB to make an informed judgment about the continued ethical acceptability of the research. For research lasting less than one year, an end-of-study report may suffice.
- Tri-Council Policy Statement: Ethical Conduct for Research Involving Humans – TCPS 2 (2018)

Please use this form to seek continuing REB approval for your study annually.

Please use this form if your research is completed in order to close your study.

Please use this form to submit changes to any of your REB approved research documents, or to introduce new study documents to a previously REB approved project. New or revised study documents may not be used until the REB has reviewed and approved them.

lease use this form to report Serious Adverse Events to the REB.

Please use this form to inform the REB of any changes to the study investigator(s). Notifications of changes in external administrative personnel can be done via email to @email.


Identifying and Credentialing Research Project Team Members (RPTM)

Access this section to add new study personnel to an ongoing REB approved research project.

Qualified Principal Investigator (QPI)

Please review this process map for a better understanding of the steps involved to add a new RPTM to your research project.

Complete this form to add your new RPTM to a previously REB approved research project. Please use a separate form for each new RPTM being added.

Physician QPIs are responsible for the supervision of their RPTMs while onsite at MGH, and must adhere to these guidelines. 


Please note: Pictures/photographs of any forms for submission to the Research Ethics Board will NOT be accepted. Please scan all required documentation with required signatures for your electronic submission. 

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