Child and Youth Mental Health Outpatient Services

Michael Garron Hospital's (MGH) Child and Youth Mental Health Outpatient Services offers psychiatric consultations and evidence-based treatment options for children and youth up until their 18th birthday, who have mental health conditions that are best addressed in a community hospital setting.

Our experienced and dedicated outpatient team includes an interdisciplinary team of child and youth workers, a social worker, a nurse and child and adolescent psychiatrists, as well as psychiatry residents and other trainees. 

Primary care physicians can request an outpatient consultation to address the following mental health concerns:

  • Moderate to severe anxiety
  • Moderate to severe depression or other mood symptoms
  • Concerns about possible psychosis
  • Concerns about attention, hyperactivity and impulsivity
  • To help make a clear diagnosis and provide treatment recommendations
  • To review or discuss medication treatment
  • To assess mental health concerns that are causing serious impairment in functioning (e.g. inability to attend school)

Other mental health concerns can be better addressed by our community mental health partners or specialized mental health clinics. These can be accessed through Help Ahead.

Help Ahead is a single access point for infants, children, youth up to 18 years of age and their families in Toronto to find and get the mental health help they need efficiently and quickly. 


All referrals are made by a primary care physician. Our intake process is now completed by Help Ahead.

Referring physicians: Learn more about our referral process.

Related Services 

MGH offers an Extensive Needs Service (ENS) for children and youth with multiple, complex neurodevelopmental, behavioural, medical and physical needs, as well as social vulnerabilities. Learn more about ENS. 

Contact us
Fax: 416-469-6179
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