About our Ontario Health Team

ETHP logo

Michael Garron Hospital (MGH) is a proud member of East Toronto Health Partners (ETHP), the Ontario Health Team serving East Toronto.

What is an Ontario Health Team?

Ontario Health Teams are a model of care that the Ontario Government introduced in 2019. They are groups of health, social and community service providers and organizations who work together with community members to better connect local care and services. 

By working together as one coordinated team, rather than on their own, Ontario Health Teams aim to make it easier for you to navigate the healthcare system and transition between healthcare providers and places where you receive care, making sure that you don’t feel lost or unsupported. Learn more about Ontario Health Teams.

Who are East Toronto Health Partners?

ETHP is the Ontario Health Team responsible for providing care and support to the 300,000 people who live in East Toronto, as well as an additional 75,000 people who get their care here.

Within ETHP, there are more than 100 providers and organizations, including family doctors, hospitals, home care organizations, community agencies, mental health and substance use services, long-term care homes and more.

Patient, caregiver and community advisors, and community health ambassadors, are also important members of ETHP. Learn more about ETHP.

How ETHP improves care in the community

Members of ETHP collaborate to develop and deliver programs and services that help improve the health and well-being of East Toronto.

MGH supports many programs and services involving ETHP members. These include:

Health Access Taylor-Massey members standing outside smiling

Health Access Taylor-Massey

A healthcare, community and social services centre that offers connections to services and resources, including COVID-19 supports, to people who live in the Taylor-Massey neighbourhood and surrounding areas. Learn more about Health Access Taylor-Massey.

A young woman sitting beside a mental health counsellor.

Thorncliffe Park Youth Wellness Hub

A welcoming space that provides health, wellness, employment and other services for youth and young adults. Learn more about the Thorncliffe Park Youth Wellness Hub.

Healthcare providers from the Kew Beach Unit

Atrium at Kew Beach Unit

A comprehensive transitional care centre where healthcare, community, social services and home care organizations work together to serve alternate level of care (ALC) patients, many of whom are older adults. This centre is part of our Helen Aird Carswell Complex Continuing Care (CCC) Unit. Learn more about the Atrium at Kew Beach Unit.

Krystle Brady and Kathryn Decker in front of Women's Withdrawal Management Services

Withdrawal Management Services

We operate off-site withdrawal management facilities dedicated to men and women. They are staffed by an interdisciplinary team of nurses, withdrawal management counsellors, social workers, a case manager from The Neighbourhood Group Community Services and others. Learn more about our Withdrawal Management Services.

Orthopaedic surgical leads Dr. Paul Wong (Michael Garron Hospital) and Dr. Markku Nousiainien (Sunnybrook) gather outside the Holland Centre.

Toronto Regional Arthroplastry Collaborative (TRAC)

We partner with Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre’s Holland Centre to help reduce wait times for hip and knee joint replacement surgery. This initiative increases the number of patients who can receive arthroplasty surgery and shortens everyone’s wait. Learn more about TRAC.

Newborn baby sleeping on parent's chest

Partnership with Midwives Clinic of East York-Don Mills

We partner with the Midwives Clinic of East York-Don Mills to give expectant parents in East York the option to have a midwife as part of their care team if they choose to give birth at MGH. This offers parents the best of both worlds, as well as excellent continuity of care. Learn more about our partnership with the Midwives Clinic of East York-Don Mills.

Pharmacist gives a client their prescription

Community of practice for pharmacies

We partner with community pharmacies in East Toronto to provide support and guidance in the delivery of medications for local residents when and as needed. Learn more about our community of practice for pharmacies.

Learn more about ETHP’s programs and services.

MGH also partners with community stakeholders outside of ETHP. Learn more about our other ongoing partnerships.

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