Coxwell Entrance Closure

As of March 21, 2025, MGH’s main entrance on Coxwell Avenue is closed as the next phase of our redevelopment project begins. Patients and visitors can use the new temporary main entrance on Sammon Avenue between Coxwell Avenue and Knight Street. View our campus map.

Patient Experience (Feedback)

At Michael Garron Hospital (MGH), we value your feedback. Whether you have a complaint, suggestion, or compliment, the Patient Experience Office is here to support you. Your experiences help us improve the quality and safety of our care.

How to share a concern

If you have a concern about your care, we encourage you to first speak with a member of your healthcare team, including your nurse, physician, or unit manager. They are best positioned to address concerns quickly.

If your concern remains unresolved, the Patient Experience Office is available to provide support and facilitate next steps.

How to contact the Patient Experience Office

  • Phone: 416-469-6096 (please leave a message if calling outside office hours)
  • Email: @email
  • Fax: 416-469-6559
  • Mail: Patient Experience Office, 825 Coxwell Ave. Toronto, ON M4C 3E7
  • In-Person: Our office is open Monday to Friday, 9:30 AM to 4:00 PM. Walk-ins are accommodated when possible, and same-day appointments are usually available.

How Patient Experience Supports You

If you need help navigating hospital services or addressing concerns, our Patient Experience Specialists can:

  • Listen to your concerns and explore possible resolutions.
  • Facilitate communication between you and your healthcare team.
  • Provide information about hospital policies and procedures.
  • Arrange meetings with you, your family, and healthcare providers when appropriate.
  • Explain next steps and help escalate unresolved issues when needed.
  • Facilitate a review of your medical record when appropriate.

Please note that we cannot share personal health information (PHI) without patient consent. In most cases, we will need the patient’s permission before following up on concerns about their care.

Sharing your concerns while in hospital

If you are a patient or family member of a patient currently receiving care at the hospital, and you have a concern, you can:

  • Speak with your nurse, physician, or any member of your healthcare team.
  • Ask to speak with the Charge Nurse, Team Leader, Supervisor, or Unit Manager.
  • Contact the Patient Experience Office if the above steps do not resolve your concern.

Sharing your concerns after hospital

If you are a patient or family member of a patient who has previously received care at the hospital, you can:

  • Call the Patient Experience Office to discuss your concerns.
  • Email or send a letter detailing your experience.
  • Request an in-person appointment with our team.

We strive to acknowledge all concerns within one business day and will keep you updated throughout the resolution process.

Escalating a complaint

If you remain unsatisfied with the outcome of your complaint at MGH, you may escalate your concerns to external organizations, including:

Our team can guide you through this process if needed.

Sharing a cOMPLIMENT

We love hearing positive feedback about the care you or your loved one received. Compliments help boost staff morale and recognize excellence. We share all compliments with the appropriate healthcare team members and leaders.

If you would like to share a compliment, you can:

  • Call or email the Patient Experience Office.
  • Submit a message through the Michael Garron Hospital Foundation.
  • Let your care team know directly!

Patient Belongings

MGH does not take responsibility for any lost or misplaced patient or visitor belongings.

The hospital recommends that patients avoid bringing belongings with them to MGH. This includes, but is not limited to, cash, jewellery, keys, watches, belts, clothing and footwear. Patients are also responsible for items they need on a daily basis, such as glasses, hearing aids, dentures and medications. Where possible, we suggest that patients pass their belongings to a friend of family member for safekeeping.

To keep personal belongings safe, we recommend that patients, caregivers, or family members:

  • Label items whenever possible.
    • Check with your denture provider about the options available for labeling dentures.
  • Bring an appropriate storage container for their belongings and ensure it can be accessed daily.
  • Never leave dentures, hearing aids, glasses or phones on the meal tray.
  • Check the tray table, bedside table, and patient locker for belongings when transferring rooms or being discharged home.
  • Ask staff to return any medications brought to hospital.

If you have lost your belongings while at the hospital, we will do our best to help locate them. Please report the missing items to the unit or area manager immediately. If you have already left the hospital, please contact Patient Experience to coordinate a search.

Your Patient EXPERIENCE Team

  • Angel Conje, Patient Experience Specialist
  • Stacy Vayenas, Patient Experience Specialist 
Contact us
Room G1-221 on G1
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