Coxwell Entrance Closure

As of March 21, 2025, MGH’s main entrance on Coxwell Avenue is closed as the next phase of our redevelopment project begins. Patients and visitors can use the new temporary main entrance on Sammon Avenue between Coxwell Avenue and Knight Street. View our campus map.

Community Outreach Services

Community Outreach Services (COS) are offered through Michael Garron Hospital’s (MGH) mental health services. 

The mission of COS is to work in partnership to provide community- based mental health services that respond to the needs of our clients, families and the community. 

The following services are offered through COS. The criteria for admission vary from service to service. 


REACH provides innovative, community-based mental health services that respond to the dynamic needs of clients, families and the community. We offer short-term, goal-focused case management services to adults living with mental health issues or challenges that impact their lives. 

Clients work with their community support counsellors to improve their quality of life.  

Our approach is recovery-focused, strengths-based, trauma-informed and person-centered. While most of the counselling support is offered on an individual basis, REACH services also provide weekly groups and outings. They also host special events which have been instrumental in creating a welcoming community for those who attend. 

Referrals to REACH services case management program must be made through The Access Point by completing the online application form or calling 1-888-640-1934. 


COMPASS is an Assertive Community Treatment Team (ACTT) that provides treatment, rehabilitation and support services to individuals diagnosed with a serious mental illness such as schizophrenia, bipolar effective disorder, psychotic disorder and schizoaffective disorder and who have had multiple psychiatric hospitalizations.   

The program is designed for those individuals who require intensive services provided in their own community and who have not been able to utilize other mental health services in the hospital or community. Our team offers psychiatric, nursing, social work, addictions, peer support and mental health worker expertise. 

COMPASS is a long-term program that assists clients in accomplishing a wide range of treatment, support and rehabilitation goals. Typical clients require frequent contact and often need assistance with activities of daily living, social relationships, employment, housing, medical, financial, and legal or addiction issues. ACTT can also assess, prescribe, dispense, administer, monitor and evaluate medications. We provide 24-hour crisis support to our clients depending on their needs.  

Referrals to COMPASS ACTT services must be made through The Access Point by completing the online application form or calling 1-888-640-1934. 


We offer a 10-week structured closed psychoeducational group to family members who support their loved ones living with a mental illness (excluding addictions and personality disorders). This can include parents, adult siblings, adult children, spouses, grandparents, cousins and others. Their loved one must live in the GTA and have a mental health diagnosis.

The group is meant to provide a safe and supportive environment in order for the family members to support one another and share their common experiences. The group also provides a weekly educational topic that is relevant to their challenges of caring for someone with a mental illness. During your time in this group, you will meet with a counsellor a few times to address your individual needs.

Goals of the Family Support Program include: 

  • To decrease stressors on family members
  • To enhance the family’s understanding of mental illness 
  • To increase the family’s ability to cope with the illness 
  • To provide an opportunity to meet with others who have a similar experience

For further information, please call 416-461-2000 ext. 226 or email our referral form (found on the right column of this page) to @email.

Community Outreach Services
671 Danforth Avenue, 2nd floor
Office Hours
8 a.m. to 4 p.m.
Phone: 416-461-2000 ext. 227
Fax: 416-461-2222
The Access Point
Toll Free: 1-888-640-1934
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