Coxwell Entrance Closure

As of March 21, 2025, MGH’s main entrance on Coxwell Avenue is closed as the next phase of our redevelopment project begins. Patients and visitors can use the new temporary main entrance on Sammon Avenue between Coxwell Avenue and Knight Street. View our campus map.

Construction Liaison Committee - Terms of Reference

Construction Liaison Committee Reports to

The Construction Liaison Committee reports to MGH's Executive Committee

Purpose of the Construction liaison committee

As Michael Garron Hospital (MGH) initiates implementation of the first phase (New Patient Care Centre Project) of its long-term plan to redevelop the Hospital site, it is committed to ongoing and meaningful dialogue with local residents and stakeholders regarding issues related to construction progress and activities. This committee will provide a communication vehicle between local residents, stakeholders and the Hospital with respect to construction issues.

construction liaison Committee Structure

MGH has had a long established Neighbourhood Advisory Committee which has met regularly to provide a communication vehicle between local residents and the Hospital with respect to physical facilities issues. With the initiation of the redevelopment project, the Neighbourhood Advisory Committee will transition into the Construction Liaison Committee.

Once MGH’s redevelopment project is complete, the Construction Liaison Committee will transition back into the Neighbourhood Advisory Committee.

Responsibilities of the construction liaison commitee 

  1. To provide advice to the Hospital on hospital-related construction issues.
  2. To provide a forum for discussion of issues and concerns of local residents, with respect to Hospital construction projects.
  3. To serve as a communication conduit to local residents.

Discussions are intended to keep committee members informed of project progress and to acknowledge and seek input into minimizing and/or mitigating construction impacts on the local community including:

  • Parking,  traffic  and  pedestrian  concerns  during  and  related  to  hospital  construction activities
  • Lighting and security;
  • Dust and construction debris;
  • Noise during construction;
  • Construction hours;
  • Truck routing and equipment storage during construction;
  • Other issues raised by committee members related to construction activities.

Construction Liaison Committee Membership

  • Local Residents with priority on Residents of Sammon Aveune and Knight Street who are encouraged to bring forward issues on behalf of and report back to their neighbours.
  • Ward 31 Councillor Davis (per City Council motion)
  • Ward 29 Councillor Fragedakis (per City Council motion)
  • Staff of the City of Toronto Municipal Licensing and Standards Division
  • MGH Vice President, Redevelopment (Chair)
  • MGH Director, Clinical Operations and Transitions
  • MGH Director, Capital
  • MGH Public Relations staff member
  • Other MGH staff to be added as may be required

Meeting Frequency and Duration

At least quarterly, or at the call of the Chair until the New Patient Care Centre Project is completed.

Construction Liaison Committee Principles

Members of the committee will:

  • Work collaboratively to develop options for identified issues;
  • Work in an open and honest manner with respect for each other and members of the broader project team;
  • Understand that it is necessary to listen to and negotiate different points of view and perspectives and make compromises accordingly; and
  • Respect  each  other’s  opinions  and  consider  views  of  each  member  to  be  of  equal importance.
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