The inpatient adult mental health service is a short-term treatment service for patients who are in acute emotional distress and in need of immediate hospitalization. The service provides assessment, treatment/intervention and discharge planning to stabilize those experiencing:
- a psychotic or affective episode of a major psychiatric illness, destabilization of an adjustment disorder or a personality disorder
- substance abuse complicated by situational problems or mood disturbance
- or negative reactions to situational crisis.
Whenever possible, significant others (e.g., family and close friends) are interviewed to provide information and support.
The service is interprofessional with representation from: psychiatry, nursing, occupational therapy, social work, medicine, and pharmacy.
Therapeutic interventions include (as appropriate): psychiatric, psychosocial, and functional assessment, psychotropic medication, individual therapy, group therapy, psychoeducation, electro-convulsive therapy (ECT) and discharge planning.
Consultation with inpatient, outpatient, and community services is arranged to assist treatment and follow-up post discharge, in order to minimize and prevent relapse.
The inpatient unit also offers psychogeriatric treatment to alleviate psychiatric problems and improve overall functioning of adults ages 65 years and over. Treatment is focused on emotional, social and cognitive rehabilitation. Upon discharge patients are linked up with community supports and/or the psychogeriatric outpatient clinic for follow-up