Coxwell Entrance Closure

As of March 21, 2025, MGH’s main entrance on Coxwell Avenue is closed as the next phase of our redevelopment project begins. Patients and visitors can use the new temporary main entrance on Sammon Avenue between Coxwell Avenue and Knight Street. View our campus map.

Repatriations in Ontario

Michael Garron Hospital follows the repatriation guidelines as established by Critical Care Service Ontario.

Repatriation process

  1. Sending facility will enter a repatriation request into the Provincial Hospital Resource System (PHRS). Please confirm the catchment area prior to entering Michael Garron as the home hospital.
  2. Call the Patient Flow Coordinator’s (PFC) Office 416-469-6580 ext. 3342 or cell 647-824-3695 to confirm receipt of the request.
  3. Complete and fax the referral form along with any other relevant information (i.e. recent lab results, operative reports, medical progress notes, physiotherapy notes etc.) to 416-619-6612.
  4. The PFC will review the information to determine the most appropriate service to accept care and then provide the sending facility with physician contact information. 
  5. The sending facility will organize the physician to physician phone call. MGH will not accept patients transfers until it is confirmed that there has been a physician to physician discussion.
  6. Once the MGH physician has accepted care the sending facility should contact the PFC to confirm the transfer date and bed information. MGH will update PHRS repatriation request as accepted.


Repatriations outside of Ontario including international requests

  1. The requesting organization should contact the Patient Flow Coordinator (PFC) directly at 416-469-6580 ext. 3342 or cell 647-824-3695.
  2. If it is determined that MGH is the patient’s home hospital the PFC will request medical information to be faxed to 416-619-6612. The PFC will review clinical information to ensure that MGH can provide the level of care required.
  3. Once it has been determined that MGH is the hospital closest to home and the patient’s needs can be supported here, the PFC will provide physician contact information to the requesting organization.
  4. The requesting organization should arrange for a physician to physician hand over. It is preferred that there be a physician to physician discussion prior to MGH accepting the patient however we recognize that this may not always be possible due to language barriers and time zone constraints.
  5. Once the MGH physician has accepted care the PFC will contact the requesting organization and confirm bed availability and travel information.
  6. In the interest of patient safety international and interprovincial repatriations will not be accepted after hours or on weekends.
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