Patient and Family Services

Michael Garron Hospital (MGH) offers the following services to provide you and your family with emotional and practical support during your hospital stay.

Advance Care Planning

Learn how you can have a say in future decisions about your healthcare, even if you are not able to speak for yourself.


You and your loved ones don’t have to face difficult decisions alone. Our Bioethicist can help in solving complex ethical problems so that you can make informed decisions about care and treatment.

Interpretation Services

If English is not your first language, our interpretation services help you to discuss healthcare information and clinical issues with your healthcare team. These free, private and confidential services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Medical Assistance in Dying

Since the passing of Bill C-14, medical assistance in dying may be requested by patients who meet specific eligibility requirements.

Music Therapy

Volunteer Services' Comfort Choir sing songs at the bedside that provide comfort and healing to patients while in hospital. They even take requests!

Pet Therapy

Dogs can bring comfort and joy to patients. In partnership with St. John's Ambulance, MGH's Volunteer Services Department has various dogs who bring smiles to interested patients in many different areas of the hospital.

Spiritual and Religious Care

Our inter-faith and inter-cultural spiritual and religious care team offers support for patients and families of all faiths, cultures and religions.

Therapeutic Touch

This modern version of ancient healing practices seeks to balance a person’s energy flow. Learn about this therapy, and how to arrange for a session with a trained volunteer.

Video Family Visits

Telephone contact is one way to stay connected to your family and friends while they are in hospital. It is also possible to connect by video. The team at the hospital can help with this.

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