Coxwell Entrance Closure

As of March 21, 2025, MGH’s main entrance on Coxwell Avenue is closed as the next phase of our redevelopment project begins. Patients and visitors can use the new temporary main entrance on Sammon Avenue between Coxwell Avenue and Knight Street. View our campus map.


MyChart™ is a free service accessed through a secure website or mobile app that allows you to view your health records 24 hours a day, 7 days per week from anywhere in the world.

With MyChartTM access you can:

  • View your health records such as test results, medications and other medical information
  • Share your records with your family members, your friends and your caregivers
  • Create appointment reminders

Signing up for MyChartTM

To sign up for MyChartTM, please complete this PDF form and submit the form to @email with a valid photo ID. You may also visit our Health Records Department (G1-220) in-person to consent and verify your identity. The Health Records Department will email you a PIN which you will need to sign up for MyChartTM. Follow the link provided in your email to complete your MyChartTM registration.

You can access MyChartTM through:

Signing up for MyChartTM ON BEHALF OF A PATIENT

A Designate MyChart account is created for an individual authorized to manage a patient’s MyChart account on their behalf, acting as the patient’s Power of Attorney (POA) or Substitute Decision Maker (SDM) in accordance with PHIPA 2004, c. 3, Sched. A, s. 25 (1), or as requested by the patient.

To create a MyChart account on behalf of a patient, please submit the following documentation to @email

  • Completed MyChart Designate Application form
  • Proof of Power of Attorney (POA) document
  • A copy of Patient’s photo ID and photo ID of the individual requesting designate account.

MyChart Frequently Asked Questions

What is MyChartTM?

MyChartTM is a secure website and mobile app where patients can manage their clinical and personal health information. It is free and accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week through the internet.

How do I register for MyChartTM?

To register for MyChartTM, please complete this PDF form and submit the form to @email with a valid photo ID. You may also visit the hospital’s Health Records Department (G1-220) in-person with a valid photo ID to get registered. 

Who has access to MyChartTM?

Participating hospitals’ patients have access to MyChartTM and they can electronically grant access to family members, friends, caregivers, primary care physicians and pharmacists etc.

Participating partners in the Greater Toronto Area include:

  • Baycrest Health Science
  • FlowLabs Advanced Laboratory Diagnostics
  • Michael Garron Hospital
  • Ministry of Health Ontario Laboratories Information System (OLIS)
  • Sinai Health
    • Hennick Bridgepoint Hospital
    • Mount Sinai Hospital
  • St. Joseph's Health Centre Toronto
  • St. Michael's Hospital
  • Sunnybrook Health Science Centre
  • West Park Health Care Centre
  • William Osler Health System: 
    • Brampton Civic Hospital
    • Etobicoke General Hospital
    • Peel Memorial Hospital
How do patients access MyChartTM?

Once registration is completed, patients can access MyChartTM through:

What are the key features of MyChartTM?
  • View your health records such as test results, medications and other medical information. Share access to your records with your family members, friends and care providers.
  • Create appointment reminders.
What information is available through MyChartTM?
  • Consultations notes
  • Admission and discharge summaries
  • Diagnostic imaging reports (15 days delay)
  • Pathology reports (15 days delay)
  • Operative reports
  • Lab reports/results (HIV and HEP C results will be withheld for 15 days)
  • Newborn summaries
What information is not available through MyChartTM?
  • Nursing and allied health notes
  • Inpatient daily progress notes
  • Scanned documents
  • Dictated notes designated as mental health notes
Where does the information in MyChartTM come from?

Directly from the hospital’s Electronic Patient Record system and through self-entered information. Please note that some of your health information might not be available in MyChartTM until your doctor reviews it with you.

How can I be sure that my health information available through MyChartTM is secure?

Your health information in MyChartTM is secured through the same encryption technologies used by the major banks for online banking.


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