Coxwell Entrance Closure

As of March 21, 2025, MGH’s main entrance on Coxwell Avenue is closed as the next phase of our redevelopment project begins. Patients and visitors can use the new temporary main entrance on Sammon Avenue between Coxwell Avenue and Knight Street. View our campus map.

Virtual Care: Privacy

Your privacy is very important to us at MGH. We protect your privacy during virtual appointments in the same way as we do during an in-person appointment.

Are OTN and Zoom safe and private?

OTN and Zoom for Healthcare are both secure and private (encrypted).

Personal health information discussed during the virtual visit is not stored or kept in any way by OTN or Zoom for Healthcare.

Click here to learn more about preparing for your video appointment with OTN.

Click here to learn more about preparing for your video appointment with Zoom.

If you have technical difficulties with the video system, please call your healthcare provider ahead of time to arrange a different platform for your virtual appointment.

How is my privacy protected in a virtual appointment?

Your privacy is very important to us at MGH. We protect your privacy during virtual visits in the same way as we do during a clinic visit. Only the people providing care to you will be present during your appointment. Know that our discussion during the visit is documented in your health record, just like an in-person appointment would be.

We suggest that you take similar steps to protect your own privacy. This means being aware of your surroundings and who may be able to overhear your virtual visit.

Email consent and safety

MGH may also send you appointment information and other general information by email, if you have consented to receive information in this way.

Please do not send emails for urgent symptoms, questions or in an emergency. If you have an urgent medical issue, please call 911 or visit an Emergency Department or an Urgent Care Centre.

Some care areas may send you a follow-up survey after your appointment by email. This is to help us to improve the quality of care we deliver. If you receive a link to a survey and are not sure if it is coming from your care team, please call them to check before clicking on any links.

Electronic communication, including virtual visits and email, may have some risk. Third parties may take over electronic communication and introduce malware, phishing scams, or other unauthorized access.

MGH is not responsible for the security of patients’ internet service providers, email domains, personal devices or personal computers.

We suggest that you use your personal email when communicating about your health and not a work email address, as your employer may have the right to inspect your work email.

Use a secure internet connection. Do not use a public internet connection such as at the airport internet café, public library or other open area. Other people may be able to use the link to listen in on your appointment without you knowing.

Can I decline a virtual appointment or change my mind?

You can decline or withdraw your consent for virtual visits by contacting the clinic specified on your appointment brochure. Please know that this may lead to delays in your care during this challenging time, as only urgent in-person appointments are being offered in our clinics right now.

You may withdraw consent for communication using email at any time by contacting the privacy office:

  • Phone: 416-469-6580 extension 7781
  • Email: @email
Where can I learn more about virtual visits?

Ontario Telemedicine Network


Zoom for Healthcare


Contact our Privacy Officer:

Phone: 416-469-6580 extension 7781

Email: @email


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