Diabetes in Pregnancy and Gestational Diabetes Clinic

Above normal blood sugars during pregnancy put both parent and baby at a higher risk for complications. Gestational diabetes is a condition that occurs during pregnancy and can affect up to 20-30% of pregnancies.  

People with preexisting diabetes also need special control of blood sugar levels before and during pregnancy to effectively decrease serious risks.

Our program for managing blood sugar in pregnancy requires a minimum of two visits: 

  1. Small Group Class: In this 90-minute small group class, you and a supportive partner or family member will learn the essentials of balancing blood sugar and healthy nutrition in pregnancy with our registered dietitian and diabetes educator nurse.
  2. Specialist Appointment: The following week, you will see the endocrinologist (a physician specializing in diabetes) who guides intensive management of blood sugar levels safely through your pregnancy and delivery.

During the COVID-19 pandemic, our team will reach out to you to arrange a secure Zoom appointment so that you don't need come to the hospital. Click here to learn more about virtual appointments. 

Our team is there to support and assist you in managing your pregnancy, working toward the goal of a healthy parent and baby.


We now accept eReferrals from Primary Care!  Find us on the OCEAN Health Map.

Ocean eReferral Sign up

If you are a primary care provider and want to sign up for OCEAN eReferral, complete the online quick form or email @email.

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