Coxwell Entrance Closure

As of March 21, 2025, MGH’s main entrance on Coxwell Avenue is closed as the next phase of our redevelopment project begins. Patients and visitors can use the new temporary main entrance on Sammon Avenue between Coxwell Avenue and Knight Street. View our campus map.

Palliative Care Unit

Our Short-Stay Palliative Care Unit focuses on quality of life and comfort when curative treatments are no longer an option. We welcome individuals who are admitted to MGH, individuals living in the community, and those seeking transfer from other facilities.  

To make a referral, primary physicians can use the Resource Matching & Referral system or complete the TC Palliative Care Referral Form 3 ( and fax it to 416-469-6864. 

Located within the Complex Continuing Care (CCC) services, rooms in the Palliative Care Unit are large and spacious. The unit has three-bed rooms, two-bed rooms and single rooms. The allocation of room is based on availability and patient needs. We do not accept insurance or payment for private or semi-private rooms.    

In addition, we have a family kitchen, a play area for visiting children and a quiet room. Our activity room has a view of the roof top garden and is shared with other Complex Continuing Care services. The roof top garden is accessible for wheelchairs and hospital beds.  

A shower room is available for patients as well as a laundry facility for family and patient use. Families are asked to supply their own laundry detergent. 

We encourage individuals and their families to personalize their rooms by bringing favourite pillows, blankets or photos to place on the windowsill. 

What individuals and families can expect 
  • A calmer environment with a focus on pain and symptom management 
  • Holistic philosophy of care; strong psycho-social, emotional and spiritual support  
  • Care delivery is directed by the individual or their substitute decision maker if they no longer have the capacity to make their own decisions 
  • Family, as defined by the individual, is included in care  
  • Family and friends are welcome to visit at all times, including overnight (cots are available) 
  • Passes are available to spend some time at home, including overnight  
  • Complementary therapy such as therapeutic touch, massage therapy (when available through student visits), pet therapy, visiting comfort choir, music volunteer and expressive arts volunteer visits,  
  • Care is delivered by an interdisciplinary team with expertise in pain and symptom management  
  • Individuals and their families can tour our unit before asking their primary physician to make an application  
  • Our team includes hospice trained volunteers through our community partnership with Philip Aziz Centre 
Who our care team consists of 
  • Physicians 
  • Nurses 
  • Social worker 
  • Pharmacists 
  • Speech language pathologist 
  • Physiotherapist 
  • Occupational Therapist 
  • Spiritual care providers 
  • Palliative care nurse specialist 
  • Hospice trained volunteers 
  • Environmental Services  
  • Unit Manager 
  • Unit Clerk 
  • Other care providers as needed 
Transitioning to another place of care 

Once an individual arrives on the Palliative Care Unit, we continue to monitor and assess whether we are the most appropriate place to deliver the care the individual needs. There are times when an individual may stabilize. Our team would then work with the individual and their family to transition to a more appropriate place of care.  

The services available on the Palliative Care Unit are offered free of charge. However, should an individual stabilize and be declared ALC, awaiting placement in a long-term care facility, the standard co-payment for room and board will apply.  The individual will then be transferred to our transitional care unit to await placement. 

Our Palliative Care Unit is affiliated with University of Toronto’s Family Medicine Program and provides student placements for a variety of health professional programs. You will encounter learners from all disciplines including Family Medicine residents, medical students, nursing students, physiotherapy students, social work students and massage therapy students.    

If you would like more information or would like to tour our facility, please email Sandra Marche at 

Contact Us
Fax: 416-469-6864
Mary Falkner, Manager
Phone: 416-469-6580 ext. 6627
Sandra Marche, Palliative Care Specialist
Phone: 416-469-6580 ext. 7652
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