Coxwell Entrance Closure

As of March 21, 2025, MGH’s main entrance on Coxwell Avenue is closed as the next phase of our redevelopment project begins. Patients and visitors can use the new temporary main entrance on Sammon Avenue between Coxwell Avenue and Knight Street. View our campus map.

Strategic Plan 2023-2025: Great care inspired by community

MGH Strategic Plan

Michael Garron Hospital (MGH) is proud to launch its Strategic Plan 2023-2025: Great care inspired by community, a major milestone following the COVID-19 health crisis.  

This new plan, which features new vision, purpose and values statements, powerfully reflects our hospital’s deep community roots grounded in health equity, inclusion and social justice.    

We heard from more than 1,000 people through our strategic planning process including those who live, work, give and receive care at the hospital. This strategic plan was truly informed and guided by the MGH community. We are grateful for your voices and for helping to bring this plan to life.  

Below are quotes from community members and peers that helped us define our strategic focus of Care, People and Community.

Dr. Pauline Henry, Physician

“At MGH, we have a proud history of embracing the diverse communities we serve. As we look to the future, the importance of prioritizing inclusivity as a core value in our strategic plan cannot be underestimated as we continue to support the MGH community, both within and outside the walls of the hospital.” – Dr. Pauline Henry, Physician

Galen Wright, Patient Partner

“From hospital staff, physicians and caregivers, to community partners, patients and their families, we share a collective responsibility to work together to ensure the best possible healthcare outcomes for the people Michael Garron Hospital serves.” – Galen Wright, Patient Partner

Rosie Sears, Behavioural Specialist

“I believe that Michael Garron Hospital is a place where compassionate care is valued, the uniqueness of patient needs is respected and the commitment to skillful and innovative care excellence is pursued. This is a place where I feel valued and appreciated. It is where diversity is celebrated and creating a safe inclusive space is prioritized, which allows me to show up as my authentic self. When I walk through our doors, I feel like I belong and I know that equity is not just a hope, but a living intention. We are part of the community, and the community is part of us. This is why I work at MGH, the reason I show up, and the intention I bring with me every day.” – Rosie Sears, Behavioural Specialist

Khadija Nakhuda, Community Advisory Council

“Community is about coming together as one: family, bonding, being inclusive, welcoming and safe. Regardless of our background or religion, we all share our space with respect, dignity, compassion, love, care and most importantly, understanding. In my role, I help breakdown barriers to healthcare to give everyone a voice. It brings me joy to help.” – Khadija Nakhuda, Community Advisory Council

Nicole Apparicio, Registered Nurse

“When I graduated from nursing school, I was looking for a hospital to get a good start with my career – and I’m still here 22 years later! I am not only enjoying an amazing career, but have made a great group of lifelong friends at MGH. What inspires me most is the hospital’s consistent drive to provide the best quality care for patients and their families. I am truly proud to be part of the MGH family!” – Nicole Apparicio, Registered Nurse

Dr. Catherine Yu, Family Physician

“We all have a role to play in improving the health and wellness of the communities we live and work in. I’ve seen firsthand the power of collaboration at work at Michael Garron Hospital and across the East Toronto community. The future of healthcare is local – let’s work together to make a difference.” – Dr. Catherine Yu, Family Physician, East Toronto Family Practice Network

Abdul Rashid Athar, Community Health Ambassador Lead

“Everyone in a community has different abilities and needs, and deserves to be taken care of accordingly. At Michael Garron Hospital, whether you are a patient, caregiver or staff member, everyone irrespective of their gender, ethnicity and religion is treated with respect and dignity; every member of this community goes the extra mile to care for those who are vulnerable or facing accessibility issues.” – Abdul Rashid Athar, Community Health Ambassador Lead

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