Christine Devine
Christine Devine, Wellness Specialist at MGH

Take a holistic approach to health this New Year

We spoke with Christine Devine, Wellness Specialist at Michael Garron Hospital for tips on how you can have a happy and healthy start to the new year.

Her advice? Focus on vitality and longevity instead of just diet and weight loss.

Craft a high quality of life. Spending quality time with loved ones or doing something that inspires you every day are just two examples of what can make you a healthier person. It’s not always about a waist measurement or the numbers on the scale.

Make time for the things you love. Many of us get so bogged down with our daily responsibilities that we end up neglecting our passions. Take a look at what’s on your plate, see how you can reprioritize things and figure out what you can delegate so that you have time to do the things you love.

Add quality to your life rather than take things away. New Year’s resolutions are often about deprivation and an “all or nothing” mentality. It doesn’t need to be that way. Give yourself permission to take a day off the gym or have that drink with friends. Then get back on track the next morning.

Take a break. Get away from your desk to eat your lunch or take a well-deserved afternoon break. Even though this can feel like a challenge on a busy work day, studies show that brief breaks help to boost your energy and productivity.

Create a positive network of support. Get involved with your community, participate in your workplace wellness program or find a walking buddy. Cultivating high quality relationships with people who share a common goal or interest helps to keep you motivated and inspired. It’s also a great way to get to know others in your community and workplace, which contributes to that high quality of life.

Be flexible and feasible. Recognize that your goals will evolve and give yourself permission to change with them. What worked for you in January might not work for you in June, and that’s okay. 

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