Coxwell Entrance Closure

As of March 21, 2025, MGH’s main entrance on Coxwell Avenue is closed as the next phase of our redevelopment project begins. Patients and visitors can use the new temporary main entrance on Sammon Avenue between Coxwell Avenue and Knight Street. View our campus map.

Team photo of East Toronto Health Partners.

East Toronto Health Partners submit Ontario Health Team application

Dear partners, colleagues, care providers, clients and families in East Toronto:

Today, East Toronto Health Partners (ETHP) submitted our Full Application to become an Ontario Health Team for East Toronto.
We would like to thank all of you who have contributed so much time, energy, commitment and great ideas to the development of this proposal to help re-imagine a health care system for East Toronto that is easier for clients, patients, families and community members to navigate, that provides the support to stay well and receive the right care at the right time when needed, and that is also more satisfying for all of us who work within it.
ETHP’s full application builds on the priorities that were established in our self-assessment, borne out of planning sessions with a large number of agencies, programs and organizations that work with people accessing health and social services in East Toronto which included many of you. These initial areas of focus are: 

  • Seniors with Chronic Care Needs and Caregivers
  • Youth Mental Health and Wellness
  • Substance Use and Health

Broadly, ETHP’s shared vision to provide improved care to this population focuses around creating a one-team approach with patients, caregivers and providers; coordinating care tailored to local neighborhoods and scaling up our early successes; supporting the success of our new East Toronto Family Practice Network; streamlining access and navigation, enabled by digital and virtual care; and improving population health and health equity.
Over the last 6 months, ETHP has hosted a number of community engagement sessions to involve patients, caregivers and providers including many of you in helping us co-design the future of care for these priority populations and to put this vision into action. We have determined through these sessions that our work will be grounded in a neighbourhood approach, starting with the five “Neighbourhood Improvement Areas” as defined by the City of Toronto, and by scaling successful programs in East Toronto, such as Home2Day. We will enable our work through a simplified model for care transitions; integrated, neighbourhood-based care teams; Care Coordinators/Navigators aligned to neighbourhoods; transitioning existing LHIN staff to ETHP; and accessing regional supports. A further key focus to enable this work is our digital strategy to advance virtual care, access to health information, information sharing, and quality improvement.
ETHP is also very pleased to welcome our newest Anchor Partner, the East Toronto Family Practice Network (EasT-FPN) which was created to be the representative voice of the over 260 family physicians in East Toronto.
Please see our Cover Letter to ETHP’s application in addition to our Full Application here.
We thank you all again for your involvement in the development of this proposal and we look forward to further engagement with all of you as we take the first steps together to put this plan into action.
 Sent on behalf of the ETHP Leadership Team:
 Anne Babcock, WoodGreen Community Services
Carol Annett, VHA Home HealthCare
Jennifer Bowman, Providence Healthcare
Jason Altenberg, South Riverdale Community Health Centre
Sarah Downey, Michael Garron Hospital
Dr. Catherine Yu, East Toronto Family Practice Network

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